How Do First-Year MSW Students Perceive Anti-Oppressive Theory and Practice?
An Exploration
MSW, anti-oppressive practice, curriculum, course materials, reflectionAbstract
Little information exists about how MSW social work students perceive oppression and anti-oppressive theory and practice, especially in the United States. This case study describes a qualitative exploration of MSW student perceptions of oppression and anti-oppressive practice. Content was infused into a one-semester foundation-level course covering direct practice with individuals in an institution located in the Southeastern United States. Thematic analysis of written reflections and focus group responses revealed changes in pre- and post-course knowledge and skills, as well as five themes: the normality of oppression, the desire for change, practice application at micro and macro levels, optimism for change and personal growth, and recognition of the difficulties and discomfort of engaging in the conversation. Recommendations for social work educators include infusing anti-oppressive practice throughout the curriculum while utilizing inclusive course materials; facilitating self-reflection by students, faculty, and programs; and taking intentional steps to respond to discomfort in discussing these issues.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Amy Fisher, Susan C. Allen, Brittany L. Washington

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