Mental Health Service Use Among Middle Eastern Migrant Women
Social Work's Role in Promoting Mental Health Literacy
immigrant and refugee, Middle Eastern women, mental health literacy, mental health, social work healthcare use, help-seeking behaviorAbstract
Mental Health Service Use Among Middle Eastern Migrant Women: Social Work's Role in Promoting Mental Health Literacy
Krisztina Baltimore
Wooksoo Kim
Abstract: Migrants who relocate to the United States from the Middle East are more likely to face a host of structural and individual barriers that can significantly contribute to their mental health issues and affect their psychological well-being. Addressing mental health problems and incentivizing help-seeking behavior is important among women who are more likely to face daily stressors in childcare, household responsibilities, and marital relationships. In this paper, we discuss factors that impact help-seeking for mental health problems among Middle Eastern migrant women including English language proficiency, structural challenges, and cultural factors such as shame and stigma. We argue that when considering its potential effectiveness, targeting mental health literacy may serve as the best direction for future research and social work intervention in order to enhance help-seeking behavior among this population. Recommendations for social workers include using community-based partnerships to provide educational resources regarding mental health services through healthcare centers, social service agencies, and local Muslim and Arab organizations.
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