Responding to Adverse Childhood Experiences
The Science of Hope as a Framework for Action
Hope Theory, Adverse Childhood Experiences, resilience, trauma-informed practiceAbstract
Research has long supported that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are linked with reductions in well-being across the lifespan. However, less is known about the best practices for intervening with ACE to buffer the long-term negative effects beyond clinical settings. The current paper proposes that the positive psychology construct of hope offers guidance for understanding and responding to ACEs. We propose a theoretical model for developing a hope-centered and trauma-informed framework for responding to the deleterious effects for ACEs. The paper closes by calling on social work researchers, educators, and those in practice to learn more about the relationship between ACEs and hope and use that knowledge to help us better assist ACE survivors.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Chan Hellman, Angela B. Pharris, Ricky Munoz

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