Criminal Records as Predictors of Harm
Questioning Social Work’s Reliance on Records for Gatekeeping
criminal justice, gatekeeping, admission, harm, collateral consequencesAbstract
The National Association of Social Work Code of Ethics requires advocacy on behalf of groups experiencing oppression, and yet it can be difficult to recognize when the oppression is emanating from the profession itself. Social work has enacted numerous barriers to entry for people with criminal records, a group that disproportionately includes people who are poor, Black, disabled, and or LGBTQ+. While previous articles have examined the role of criminal records in the social work admission process, scholars have not comprehensively examined the role criminal records play throughout the career of a social worker. This article provides an overview of how records are used in higher education admissions, licensing, and employment, highlighting the limitations of criminal records as future indicators of harm. We argue that the broad use of criminal record checks not only harms marginalized individuals with records but is a disservice to clients who would benefit from the unique strengths derived from their social work training and lived experience. We conclude with future policy directions informed by abolitionist practices including non-reformist reforms that can reduce barriers to entry into the profession and build upon the strengths of people with lived experience in the criminal legal system.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Casey Bohrman, Alison Updyke Neff, Brie Radis, Jeanean Mohr, Mia Ocean, Yve Lopes, Anais Bailly-Mompoint

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