Evaluation of a Multi-Phase Trauma-Focused Intervention with Latino Youth





Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, trauma-informed treatment, Latino youth, mental health


This pilot study examined the effectiveness of a multi-phase trauma-informed intervention with 24 trauma-exposed Latino youth. Treatment included a somatic-based intervention to target physiological hyperarousal symptoms and a sensory/cognitive-based trauma-focused intervention targeting stabilization of the trauma experience. Twenty-four participants completed several measures for mental health symptomatology and psychosocial functioning at baseline, at the conclusion of treatment, and at 3-month follow-up. Results of paired sample t-test analyses showed significant improvements in scores on measures for trauma, anxiety, depression, psychosocial functioning, and emotional dysregulation following 12 weeks of treatment when compared to baseline. Improvements were maintained at 3-month follow-up. This community-based intervention shows promise in helping Latino children who have experienced trauma. Research using randomized controlled designs with larger samples is suggested to further test the efficacy of this intervention.


Author Biographies

Anne S. J. Farina, Saint Louis University

Anne Farina, MSW, LCSW is a doctoral student in the School of Social Work at Saint Louis University.

Michael Mancini, Saint Louis University

Michael Mancini, PhD, MSW, is Associate Professor in the School of Social Work at Saint Louis University.


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